WAIT! Final Discount!
Have My Entire Advanced Program For ONLY $19.95.
Last Chance 93% Discount!
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Okay, since you didn’t take up my first two offers, I’m going to give you one final, CRAZY discount...

I’m going to knock another SEVENTY PERCENT off the already insanely discounted advanced program price.

And to make it fair to others who purchased at full price, I’ll just remove an additional bonus.

Which means you get to have the Make Him Love You Forever Advanced Program plus ONE incredible bonus, for just $19.95...

...IF you act right now.

The Make Him Love You Forever Advanced Program

Tested and proven to accelerate your results by up to 400% and get you FASTER, QUICKER, more IMMEDIATE results than use of the regular program alone.

Here’s What You Get...

Advanced Program #1

Conversation Chemistry

How to Use the Power of Communication to Create and Maintain Unstoppable Attraction with Men!


How To Confidently Approach Men (No Matter How Much Anxiety You May Experience Right Now)
The 5 Biggest Conversational Turn Offs For Men
The 5 Biggest Conversational Turn Ons For Men
How To Make A Magnetic First Impression
How To Take The Conversation To A More Intimate Level
What To Say To Get Under A Man’s Skin
Do You Feel His Affection Wavering? How To Apply The ‘Jealousy Sledgehammer’
The Crucial Communication Signals That Determine Whether A Relationship Will Last
How To Discuss The Future (Without Sending Him Running)
The 3 Word Phrase That Makes Any Man INSTANTLY Want To Do Anything To Please You
And much more...

Advanced Program #2

Why Men Are Afraid of Commitment

And How To Be The One He Loves Forever


What Makes A Man Instinctively See You As A ‘Keeper’ So That He Automatically Sets You Apart From Other Women
What Really Makes A Man Crave A Long-Term Committed Relationship
What Motives HIM To Be The One Working To Get Your Commitment And Move Your Relationship Forward
How To Deepen His Attraction And Desire For You Over Time
How To Get YOUR Needs Met In The Relationship Without Driving Him Away
How To Awaken His ‘Inner Romantic’ To Get Him To Show You The Love You Need, The Way You Need Him To Show It
What To Do If He Starts To Act Weird, Pull Back, Or Have ‘Second Thoughts’ About Your Relationship
How To Get Him To Love You For Your Flaws (Even When You’re Overweight, No Longer In Your ‘Prime’, Or Not In As Good Shape As He Is)
The Exact Steps To Keeping Him Committed Heart, Body, And Soul To You Forever!

Advanced Program #3

Overcoming Any Dating Obstacle

Dating Advice For Single Moms, Divorcees, Seniors, and More!


How to Find Love As a Single Mom
How To Move On and Start Dating Again After a Divorce
Dating Tips For Older Women
What To Do When You Are Facing the Biological Clock When Dating
Incredible Insights and Honest Advice From Three Dating and Relationship Superstars; Amy Waterman, Marie Forleo & Emily McKay

$245 of value for just $19.95!

If you take action right now, you get to have INSTANT access to ALL accelerator courses I’ve mentioned above for the one time only, insanely discounted price of just $19.95. 

So let me explain the 3 reasons why you absolutely must take advantage of this one time only offer right now...

First Reason: As I mentioned above, I’m giving you $245 worth of courses for just $19.95. That’s a massive saving of $225.05.

Second Reason: This is truly a ONE TIME OFFER. That means you will never get another chance to grab these courses at such an insanely low price.

This offer is only available on this page, in this moment right now. After that point the doors will close and I cannot let you back in no matter what.

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That’s because I am shouldering all the risk for you with my 100% 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.
YES Hannah! I absolutely want to take advantage of this one-time-only massive discount opportunity. Please add the above courses to my order for a simple, easy, one-time-only payment of just $245 $67 $33.50 $19.95!
Make Him Love You Forever: The Advanced Program
Conversation Chemistry
Why Men Are Afraid of Commitment
Overcoming Any Dating Obstacle Audio + Transcript

Just $19.95

(These instant downloads will be added to your current order)

(Warning: If you leave this page, you will never see this offer again and will miss out on your one and only chance with this amazing discount opportunity.)

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